Vol. XV, Issue 35

December 15, 2016

2018 Comprehensive Benefit Funding Plans Webconferences

Wespath Benefits and Investments (Wespath) will host two webconferences to introduce and review the new Comprehensive Benefit Funding Plan (CBFP) application that will be utilized for the 2018 funding plans. The hour-long sessions are scheduled for:

Both calls will cover the same information, so choose the time that is most convenient for you or a member of your staff. Instructions for connecting to the meeting will be provided in an OnBoard Express that will be sent in early January.

Please direct any comments or concerns regarding the Comprehensive Benefit Funding Plan or the scheduled webconferences either to your Conference Liaison or to Ross Lundstrom at rlundstrom@wespath.org or 1-800-269-2244 ext. 4224.

Webconferences on HRAs and Working Retirees—Call Recordings Available

Video replays are available of the recent webconferences regarding Affordable Care Act (ACA) compliance issues for retirees who return to work yet are covered by retiree health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs). You may download or save the recordings here.

Background information was provided in the November 14 On Board Express, including a presentation slide deck and white paper. Wespath is developing FAQs and other support documents about HRAs and working retirees.

Cures Act Impact
Additionally, Wespath is analyzing the potential impact of the 21st Century Cures Act (“Cures Act”) on working retirees with HRAs. The Cures Act received bipartisan support in Congress and was signed by President Obama on December 13, 2016. While the primary purpose is to speed up Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval of new drugs and investing new money in medical research, the Act includes guidance on the topic of working retirees with HRAs. Wespath will provide insights about the Act’s potential impact on UMC plan sponsors and participants in the first quarter of 2017, including how it may impact working retirees receiving HRAs.

Copyright © Wespath Benefits and Investments,
a general agency of The United Methodist Church
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