Vol. XVII, Issue 7

February 6, 2018

2018 Retirement Kits

Wespath is currently mailing retirement kits to participants who intend to retire in June or July 2018. A sample kit will be mailed to conference benefit officers on February 9, 2018.

The process will mirror last year’s. Wespath will not mail paper applications for benefits (AFBs) or AFB guides. The materials provided in the kit will focus on the online process. The online benefits application—available at benefitsaccess.org—customizes applications for benefits so that retirees are presented only with information that is pertinent to their unique situations. Retirees may contact the retirement team to request printed forms.

The retirement video has been refreshed and segmented into four shorter videos:

These videos were shared with the Conference Advisory Board for feedback during a recent meeting, held via teleconference. The board was formed to help Wespath better engage with, and connect to, annual conferences and participants it serves. The group consists of eight Conference Benefits Officers and Treasurers from annual conferences across the Church.

If your conference is holding meetings or workshops to help retirees complete their applications for benefits, we suggest that participants bring laptops or tablets to access their online applications during these events.

If you have questions about the retirement kits or the 2018 retirement process, please contact:

Copyright © Wespath Benefits and Investments,
a general agency of The United Methodist Church
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