Vol. XX, Issue 29

June 10, 2021

Adoption Agreements for 2022

Wespath recognizes that many of you plan to hold annual conference meetings virtually this year or are postponing in-person meetings until the fall. We request that you try to adhere to the normal annual timing for submitting 2022 adoption agreements as much as possible to ensure fall actuarial reports reflect the final 2022 Past Service Rates (PSR). If the rates are not final due to a delayed annual conference meeting, you may add a comment to that effect with your adoption agreement submission. We apologize for any challenges due to the approaching deadline for adoption agreement submissions. Please complete and submit the following documents:

If you are making changes to CRSP or UMPIP for 2022, complete and submit:

If you are not making changes to CRSP or UMPIP, you do not need to submit adoption agreements for those plans for 2022; your current elections will continue to apply.

If you need assistance, please contact:

* If your annual conference is interested in adopting UMPIP Automatic Features for the first time effective January 1, 2022, please contact Sue Peterson at 1-847-866-4229 or speterson@wespath.org.

Benefits Access Notice to Conferences

At Wespath, we take the protection of information and benefits seriously. We are constantly evaluating and implementing ways to stay ahead of fraud and security risks with solutions that protect all participants. We are, however, aware that some participants are currently not able to access Benefits Access (BA) because we cannot verify some critical information as outlined in our security protocols. Unfortunately, this often means there isn't a current path to register for or sign into Benefits Access.

While the majority of participants are able to register or sign into BA without incident, we are evaluating alternative solutions for those who are having issues, while maintaining appropriate protections. Recently, we've implemented two changes that have improved the registration process for some participants. While we continue to evaluate additional solutions, a participant who cannot register for or sign into BA will need to call our Customer Service team at 800-851-2201 to complete updates or initiate transactions.

Below are common inquiries and how these can best be handled for those who cannot sign into Benefits Access. Inquiries will be secured following our protocol to verify identity:

We thank you for your continued patience and understanding as we continue to work to improve the experience for our participants while protecting their accounts.

Wespath Update to Participants

We sent a participant e-blast communication on Thursday, June 9. In this issue we:

The email was customized according to five lists of participants: clergy in HealthFlex, clergy not in HealthFlex, lay employees in HealthFlex, lay employees not in HealthFlex, and employees of Florida Southern University. Participants received the articles that are relevant to them.

Should You Be Worried About Inflation Right Now?

You have likely noticed higher prices and booming home sales in your area. Greater consumer demand has contributed to increased inflation. In fact, the core inflation rate increased nearly 1% in April 2021—the highest increase since September 1981. CIO Dave Zellner examines the causes and explains why we adhere to a long-term investment approach in our latest Investment Insights blog. Read it here.

May 2021 Monthly Investment Report

This week we share the May 2021 Monthly Investment Report. The full report and new Markets at a Glance video, featuring Jake Barnett, Director of Sustainable Investment Stewardship at Wespath, are now available.

Copyright © Wespath Benefits and Investments,
a general agency of The United Methodist Church
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