Vol. XXIII, Issue 20

May 9, 2024

Post-General Conference Update

Wespath is grateful for the many opportunities to connect with our annual conference partners during General Conference in Charlotte, N.C.—including delegates, benefits officers, treasurers, administrators and others.

We are processing the plan changes approved by General Conference and will provide more information in coming weeks. In the meantime, please note these highlights on approved petitions:

Ministerial Pension Plan (MPP)new optional alternative to annuitization (65% of account balance):

Other approved plan changes—watch for more information to come:

A summary of Wespath's approved petitions is here. Thank you for your ongoing partnership in caring for those who serve in your conferences.

April Monthly Investment Report and Video

In our Markets at a Glance video, Wespath's Jon Strieter explores growing concerns about "stagflation" in response to the latest U.S. economic growth and inflation data. He also highlights the compounding factors behind housing affordability challenges in the U.S. Read our April Monthly Investment Report to learn more.

Copyright © Wespath Benefits and Investments,
a general agency of The United Methodist Church
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