Vol. XVIII, Issue 38

November 8, 2021

Reminder About FSA Rules, Link to Helpful Resources

The e-mail Wespath sent to all primary participants on November 3 to announce the start of annual election had two important details worth calling to your attention—a reminder about carryover rules for people who currently have a Flexible Spending Account (FSA) and a link to helpful annual election resources.

People who were enrolled in HealthFlex last year were told, "Any amount of HRA, HSA or FSA money you have left over at the end of 2021 will automatically roll over into 2022. However, you will only be able to carry over up to $550 of health care FSA money and no dependent care FSA money from 2022 to 2023."

There were three versions of the e-mail and the FSA information was included in two of them: the version sent to the majority of participants and the version sent to participants in the Greater New Jersey and North Alabama conferences. Participants in those two conferences received a modified version because they have a new default medical plan in 2022. The FSA carry over information was not included in the version sent to individuals in the West Virginia conference because they are new to HealthFlex.

All three versions included a link to this webpage of annual election resources. Originally used as a hub for annual election webinar registrations, the webpage now includes links to multiple resources and a video recording of our pre-annual election webinar for all participants. We will add the HSA webinar recording from November 4 as soon as possible. It could be a helpful link to share with your members.

Thank you for all your help to educate your members about the plans and their options during annual election. We could not do it without your help!

Helping Individuals Who Previously Declined Coverage Enroll

Just as in years past, any individual who declined coverage for the current year and wants to enroll in HealthFlex for the upcoming year will need assistance completing annual election. These individuals can either have their plan sponsor make the elections or they can call the Annual Election Support Team at 1-844-688-1375.

Copyright © Wespath Benefits and Investments,
a general agency of The United Methodist Church

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