Vol. XVI, Issue 6

April 18, 2019

Omada Communication to Ineligible DPP Participants

On Thursday, April 11, our new Wespath Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) vendor, Omada Health, sent a promotional e-mail to all HealthFlex participants. Due to an error with processing the eligibility file provided by Quest, Omada Health did not suppress retired participants who are ineligible for the program, if not covered by HealthFlex.

Quest and Omada have corrected the issue and will exclude ineligible participants from future communications about the Diabetes Prevention Program available through Omada. The number of participants impacted by this error is low enough that we are contacting them and their plan sponsor individually. Beyond that we are not planning any further follow-up communication at this time.

If any ineligible individuals contact the Health Team with questions about the Omada e-mail and express interest in participating in a DPP, they will be directed to contact their Medicare carrier, if covered by Medicare. Medicare began requiring coverage of DPP participation in 2018.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Shelly Brooks-Sanford or Leah Holzwarth.

HealthFlex Summit Follow-Up

Thank you to all the plan sponsor representatives who attended last week's HealthFlex Mini-Summit. Your ongoing partnership is appreciated. Below are materials used during the event.

HealthFlex Summit Agenda


Handout Discussed in Opioid Presentation

Copyright © Wespath Benefits and Investments,
a general agency of The United Methodist Church

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